Utilities -- Applications -- Games FILENAME SIZE DATE DESCRIPTION AGENDAX.ZIP 1859 13/02/93 Fixes Agenda bug (apparently) ALIAS1.ZIP 3683 21/01/93 Stack/group S3 files under custom icons ARCHIMED.ZIP 944 22/04/94 Notes on how to couple a S3 and an Archie CHOP-TXT.ZIP 4053 23/11/93 Chops large text files up for WORD access CODAT11.ZIP 3086 01/03/94 Password protect database files CONVERT.ZIP 1230 21/01/93 Convert between units CVTAGN.ZIP 3153 14/01/94 Convert 3a agenda files back to S3 format DBSORT.ZIP 4292 09/02/94 Very fast database sort util, with Source. DIARYCNV.ZIP 8830 07/10/92 Convert diary formats FETCHKMA.ZIP 1809 05/05/94 Uses KMAC macros for 'Bring and find' GRAB.ZIP 3003 04/03/93 PIC-format screen grabber GRABSCRN.ZIP 2375 09/02/94 Capture Psion-Control-Shift-S to named file GRPUTILS.ZIP 2982 05/03/93 Group OPO utilities into menu shell HEXDUMP.ZIP 8576 21/03/94 Hex file viewer for 3a HYPY01.ZIP 5667 21/03/94 (Wierd) disk space analyser IBOX201.ZIP 40311 23/11/93 S3a Predefined icon treasure-box ICONEDA.ZIP 8988 05/09/93 S3a - Icon/Bitmap editor ICONED11.ZIP 8611 15/06/94 S3a - Icon editor INSTAL14.ZIP 19823 14/02/94 S3a - restore system screen etc after reset JBLNCH2.ZIP 8147 29/08/93 Launches apps etc from common icon JBTREE41.ZIP 27400 17/05/94 Excellent file manager for the Series 3a JBWHOL.ZIP 5542 26/04/94 Sets up English/German hols in 3a agenda KMAC091.ZIP 40591 05/05/94 Psion Key Macro system for Psion 3a apps LP.ZIP 8665 27/03/93 Print spooler, specially for OPL progs MACRO11.ZIP 13786 21/03/94 S3a - Develop macros for WORD, DATA, SHEET MOUSE.ZIP 7446 09/02/94 Use serial mouse on Series 3!!? MSOIBL.ZIP 2211 23/11/93 More icons for use with IBOX (above) PANSHLL.ZIP 10171 27/03/93 Emulates HC command shell in S3 PICVIEW3.ZIP 7741 05/02/94 PIC viewer for the 3a POWER11.ZIP 1543 09/10/93 S3a - plays sound on turn-on REORDER7.ZIP 6606 05/02/94 Reorder/sort your database files (3a) RTFMAC.ZIP 21491 27/04/94 S3/Mac RTF utilities (WORD) RVTRN25.ZIP 20548 05/05/94 OPL Reverse Translator S3APAT2.ZIP 2426 23/11/93 Patch for S3a power monitor bug S3HAYES.ZIP 3646 26/01/93 Hayes modem command database S3INFO.ZIP 1846 21/01/93 One screen Disk Information S3SPY.ZIP 10144 25/10/92 Check your S3 - Multitasking process monitor S3UZIP12.ZIP 33881 14/08/93 Unzip ZIPs on the S3! Needs lot of memory S3VGIF.ZIP 13828 25/01/93 View GIFs/convert to PIC on S3 S3UUCODE.ZIP 12537 30/10/92 UUENCODE ASCII to Binary and back S3WHERE.ZIP 12109 07/03/93 Port of UNIX 'where' file locator SCAPT.ZIP 1314 19/08/93 Screen dumps Psion to PC PCX file! SEARCH2A.ZIP 13663 14/06/94 Searches for files and acts on results SHOWFONT.ZIP 2205 02/12/93 Font viewer for the 3a SORTDA.ZIP 1594 29/08/93 Sorts database on last name SPY3A.ZIP 7955 07/10/93 Version of SPY for the Series 3a SSD207.ZIP 58627 09/02/94 Latest release of DOS SSD driver SWITCH2.ZIP 2123 27/03/93 Detects presence of external pwr and disables auto-switch off TREE202.ZIP 8067 13/04/93 Examine directory trees on any device TEXTVW11.ZIP 7861 31/07/93 Browse/search through very large text files TM12.ZIP 13312 14/01/94 Task Manager from Pelican s/w VGIF20.ZIP 31755 21/03/94 GIF viewer/convertor for the S3a VIEWPIC.ZIP 5853 27/09/92 PIC file viewer WAVE10B.ZIP 10633 21/03/94 Excellent WVE file editor and processor WDOG.ZIP 8121 14/04/94 Intelligent password protect for S3 |