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Utilities --  Applications  --  Games

2S3ICOS.ZIP   896    31/07/93  Some S3-specific Windows Icons
3-ACROSS.ZIP  5063   26/03/93  Crossword Generator
ACCTS1_3.ZIP  18561  15/07/93  Personal accounts program for Series 3
ACCTS3.ZIP    97578  06/06/94  Personal accounts v3.0 for the 3a.
ADDBKV10.ZIP  56277  02/04/94  All singing, all dancing Address Book
AINFO.ZIP     6719   07/07/93  Account Number management program
AMRADIO.ZIP   10510  14/06/94  Amateur radio utilities
ASTRO3A.ZIP   23700  11/11/93  Astronomical calculations/toolbox
BANK810.ZIP   9095   06/06/94  Functional bank account management.
BJ10DRV.ZIP   2802   14/04/94  Revised Canon Bubble-jet printer driver
BRHYTHM1.ZIP  2854   31/10/93  Bio-rhythm calculator
BRITRAIL.ZIP  2163   26/03/93  Database of all BR phone numbers
BTIM342.ZIP   3542   02/04/94  Broadcaster's "Back"-timer utility
CAR.ZIP       7319   03/06/93  Car journey logger
CARCOST4.ZIP  7673   26/03/93  Vehicle running costs?
CCONVERT.ZIP  6152   26/03/93  Currency converter?
CONV120.ZIP   15850  12/09/93  Modular, customizable conversion utility
CONVERT1.ZIP  3733   09/06/93  New convert program with more intuitive i/f
CONVERTE.ZIP  6864   04/01/94  Comprehensive S3a units conversion
COSTSELL.ZIP  1474   26/03/93  A salesman's aid - cost/sell/profit etc
COUNTDWN.ZIP  1097   13/02/93  Basic countdown clock
COUNTRY.ZIP   8139   09/10/93  Country comparison utility
CW1.ZIP       5051   22/09/93  Morse Code Tutor program
DIALCODE.ZIP  39659  04/03/93  STD dialing codes for the whole UK!
DRAW102.ZIP   14403  13/04/93  Chocolate S/W Drawing package (shareware)
ELEMENTS.ZIP  33814  29/08/93  Periodic table of the elements database
EXCHA.ZIP     4093   15/05/93  Currency Exchange program?
EXPA.ZIP      7112   08/02/93  Expenses management program
FLYS3A.ZIP    6187   05/02/94  Flying utilities for the 3a
GPLOT3.ZIP    13643  21/03/94  Graphing/maths package for Series 3
GPLOTA2.ZIP   23966  06/06/94  Graphing/maths package for the S3a
GRAPH212.ZIP  14880  15/06/93  A comprehensive graph plotting/maths package
GRAPHMJB.ZIP  9466   29/08/93  2D/3D line/surface plotting program
HEMOCUE.ZIP   1351   01/07/93  Haemoglobin calculation program
HPDJ.ZIP      6455   07/03/93  Printer drivers for HP deskjets
JOBS212.ZIP   4440   04/01/94  Simple S3 jobs-to-do utility
KALL610.ZIP   8104   06/06/94  Phone Call Coster, including Mercury etc
KEYBX.ZIP     13804  09/02/94  Small bitmap of a photo of S3
LAPTIMER.ZIP  5651   27/03/93  Lap timer for motor racing enthusiasts
LGBK3A.ZIP    38987  07/07/93  Pilot's log book organizer?
LIFEGUI2.ZIP  15200  15/12/93  Bible guide for life (3a/3 twin-mode)
LWORKS.ZIP    17810  21/03/94  Language Works (phrase book) shareware
MCAL21A.ZIP   24064  14/06/94  Musician's utilities (3a version)
MCAL21C.ZIP   16768  14/06/94  Musician's utilities (version for S3)
MCALC11.ZIP   3896   27/03/93  Money CALC, Bank account mgt utility
MERGEPR.ZIP   32337  27/03/93  Mail merging system for S3
ML3.ZIP       3695   26/01/93  Personal/Business Mileage database
MNY10.ZIP     12518  19/08/93  Yet another bank account program. Simple.
MOC10.ZIP     21745  27/03/93  Master of Ceremonies application
MPG.ZIP       4891   23/11/93  Yet *another* Miles-per-gallon program!
NGRLL.ZIP     1073   13/02/93  National Grid to Lat/Long converter
OHM.ZIP       1873   27/03/93  Resistance colour code program
OUT119B.ZIP   25745  25/01/94  Outlining program a la PC-Outline
PAM.ZIP       12180  27/03/93  Personal Account Manager - bank accts etc
PAY.ZIP       2771   30/01/93  Simple Weekly pay check checker (!)
PCIS10.ZIP    10417  29/08/93  Automated script environment for Compuserve
PHONE.ZIP     5465   23/06/93  Telephone database with S3-Phone serial i/face
PICPOC.ZIP    12520  12/05/93  Art program for bitmap creation
PREFIX.ZIP    8397   22/09/93  Amateur Radio Call list database
PRINTPIC.ZIP  4827   09/02/94  Print PIC files, mainly to Canon BJs
PROPOC.ZIP    23808  15/01/94  Project Manager for S3 (Milestones etc)
PS3-PS.ZIP    7963   08/10/92  Postscript driver
PSWD.ZIP      25966  27/01/93  Apple Postscript printer driver?
QUICKEX.ZIP   7925   01/03/94  Convert Psion MONEY files to .QIF format
REPPOC.ZIP    24320  15/01/94  Reporting/Label creating/Mail merging
RESISTOR.ZIP  2432   31/10/93  Resistor colour code translator
RPNCALC.ZIP   15276  21/01/93  Reverse Polish Notation Calculator
RTF211.ZIP    19040  27/03/93  New RTF driver for WORD application
RTF226.ZIP    45441  05/05/94  Latest Rich Text Format file drivers
S3ANIMAT.ZIP  23066  08/02/93  Example animations / animator program
S3D.ZIP       3813   27/03/93  CAD-like object viewing, with examples
S3HYPERP.ZIP  44466  12/05/93  Hypertext multi-format database creation!
S3STOPW.ZIP   3131   05/03/93  Battery-friendly Stop Watch
S3UNITS2.ZIP  4243   04/05/93  Another unit conversion program!
S3UNITS3.ZIP  8989   07/07/93  Variant on the previous units program.
SCANNER.ZIP   11450  09/02/94  Radio frequency database
SCB3AV22.ZIP  21789  15/06/94  SCBank account mgt program (3a version)
SCB3V22.ZIP   21828  15/06/94  SCBank account management program
SHEET2.ZIP    22016  15/01/94  v2 of Shareware spreadsheet
SHOWDB.ZIP    3449   07/07/93  Database browser
SLID11.ZIP    47505  12/06/94  Slide-show/demo/tutorial engine for 3a
SORT.ZIP      4248   27/03/93  Clever sorting for your databases
SPELL3A.ZIP   6681   14/06/94  3a front-end for S3 spell-checker
STIK.ZIP      2960   30/01/93  Stick-it notes for the Series 3 ...
STOCK.ZIP     9132   23/06/93  Very simple stock control utility
STOPW104.ZIP  7383   13/04/93  Background elapsed time stop-watch
TERM120B.ZIP  39904  17/05/94  Shareware VT100 emulator for 3a
TIMELO.ZIP    8478   09/02/94  Simple time logger/stamper, weekly reports
TIMER11.ZIP   5353   14/06/94  Multiple timers for the 3a
TODO121C.ZIP  28404  19/08/93  To-Do list management package
TRIV10.ZIP    9165   04/01/94  All that info you need to keep handy!!
TUBE20.ZIP    8211   10/12/93  TubeFinder Underground navigation program
UNDERGND.ZIP  12016  07/05/94  Underground map (no line info, though)
UNITS3A.ZIP   2766   15/12/93  Units conversion for the 3a
VAT_PROF.ZIP  2017   02/03/93  VAT calculations made easy
VIDEO_01.ZIP  7744   13/06/94  Basic video-cassette management utility
WIRING.ZIP    3111   13/06/94  Basic wiring/resistance utilities




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