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 Example programs for Sibo Machines (Psion 3/a/c/mx + Siena)

The following files are all in opl and you may freely download them (I hope :-) and play with them. I have tried to put a description of each program in the following table, however I have just made these up by looking at the code, not by running them, so if something totally different to what I have said happens, you know why!

File Name

Txt Version
(to Read Online)

OPL version
(to put on Psion)


Faqprog Faqprog N/A An FAQ for programming the Series 3
(Old but still useful!)
OPL_doc1 OPL_doc1 N/A All the OPL commands and their syntaxes with an explanation
OPL_doc2 OPL_doc2 N/A The same file as above, but without the explanations
OPL_dbf N/A A Psion Data file, containing all the OPL keywords and their syntaxes
Aalarm Aalarm Aalarm Set a system Alarm from OPL.
Abstim Abstim Abstim Demonstrates absolute timers and spawning another Opl program.
Alarms Alarms Alarms Another alarm example.
Appman Appman Appman This program demonstrates how to launch menus and dialogs asynchronously in OPL.
Attrib Attrib Attrib Shows how one might alter file attributes of any file from within an OPL program.
Batchk Batchk Batchk Checks the voltage of the Main and Backup Battery on the Series 3. Also detects the the presents of an AC Adapter.
Battery Battery Battery Another Battery and AC Adapter Checker.
Bincalc Bincalc Bincalc Calculator for various number formats
Bitmap Bitmap Bitmap Handling Bitmaps
Changev Changev Changev How to automatically change one string for another in a text file
Circlex Circlex Circlex How to draw a circle
Combsort Combsort Combsort Code for sorting data
Conv Conv Conv Procs which can be loaded into the calculator for converting units
Countdwn Countdwn Countdwn A Countdown Timer
Cpress Cpress Cpress Code for compressing data files
Ctrlhelp Ctrlhelp Ctrlhelp Launching Help program
Dbsort Dbsort Quicksort for Data base files (Zip contains additional files)
Dohelp Dohelp Dohelp
Dtmf Dtmf Dtmf Playing Dialling tones in OPL
Editor Editor A text editor for upto 255 characters for inclusion in other programs. Zip contains further info. Written by Ian Chapple.
Encrypt Encrypt Encrypt How to encrypt a string
Ex_alarm Ex_alarm Ex_alarm Alarm example
Ex_anima Ex_anima Ex_anima Animation example
Ex_app0 Ex_app0 Ex_app0 App example
Ex_app3 Ex_app3 Ex_app3 Another App example
Ex_birth Ex_birth Ex_birth What Day were you born on?
Ex_bounc Ex_bounc Ex_bounc A Bouncing ball example
Ex_circ1 Ex_circ1 Ex_circ1 Another (Simpler) way to draw a circle
Ex_circ2 Ex_circ2 Ex_circ2 Yet another circle drawing program
Ex_dice Ex_dice Ex_dice A random dice
Ex_dtmf Ex_dtmf Ex_dtmf Dialling tones from OPL again
Ex_eval Ex_eval Ex_eval The eval function
Ex_icon Ex_icon Ex_icon A program which makes a simple icon
Ex_ioscr Ex_ioscr Ex_ioscr IO functions on the screen
Ex_iotyp Ex_iotyp Ex_iotyp Read a text file
Ex_label Ex_label Ex_label Insert a line in a Database
Ex_menus Ex_menus Ex_menus How to use menus
Ex_music Ex_music Ex_music How to play music
Ex_reord Ex_reord Ex_reord Simple way to reorder a database (Slow but reliable)
Ex_timer Ex_timer Ex_timer Another Countdown timer
Ex_watch Ex_watch Ex_watch A stopwatch
Export Export Export How to save a database as a CSV (etc) file
Extpow Extpow Extpow Check for external power
Files Files Files How you can read the contents of a directory (even the ROM)
Format Format Format A way of formatting something (!)
Getclock Getclock Getclock Procedure to return the type of clock set
Geteva Geteva Geteva Get event with a timer
gfxdemo gfxdemo gfxdemo Graphics Demo (Including how to fill an area and other useful stuff)
Inqalm Inqalm Inqalm Another Alarm prog
Iotype Iotype Iotype Similar to above IOtype program
Listfiles listfiles listfiles How to get a list of all the files in a directory
Makedbf Makedbf Makedbf Code to make a dbf file without using the normal OPL dbf keywords.
Mc2agn Mc2agn Mc2agn Program to convert MC400 diary to Series 3 Agenda file
Mem Mem Mem This example shows you how to check how much spare memory there is on any of the Psion's drives
Oposrch Oposrch Oposrch Search for a string inside another file
Org2agn Org2agn Org2agn Program to convert Organiser II diary files into Series 3 Agenda files
OSCalls OSCalls OSCalls Lots of example OS calls
Picinopl Picinopl Picinopl How to store Pic files in OPA applications.
Readagn Readagn Readagn How to read agenda files
Read-txt Read-txt Read-txt How to read an OPL file, txt file or anything else you may choose.
Riset Riset Riset Demonstration of using the WLD: device interface from OPL to extract sunrise/sunset information for a city.
RunOpa Runopa Runopa Shows you how to run another Opa from an OPL program.
Script Script Script Runs a named script file from an OPL program
Slow Slow Slow How to slow down the series 3a/c (Or the mx) so that Series 3 games run at a decent speed!
Sndfrc Sndfrc Only works on s3 (not s3a etc) I think.
Extension to the operating system which enables you do fun things with sound.
Sound Sound Sound How to play a wve file
Speedup Speedup Speedup How to pause your program when put into the background
Startapp Startapp Startapp How to start another application from within OPL
Time Time Time How to set the time and date
Time2 Time2 Time2 Another program to set the time and date (Programmed by Psion Tech Support)
Time3 Time3 Time3 A third way to set the time and date

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