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Example programs for EPOC 32 Machines (Psion 5, Psion 7 etc)

The following files were all either written by me, or downloaded from the newsgroup comp.sys.psion.programmer. Thank you to all those who originally wrote these examples.

NOTE: I have had to give the Psion versions of the documents a .5opl ending as otherwise Web Browsers assume the file is plain text, and show garbage! Therefore once you have downloaded the file, just change the ending.

File Name Txt Version
(to Read Online)
OPL version
(to put on Psion)
Battery battery battery How to find out the battery status and also shows how to display your program in a small window, so the program behind can be seen.
Capt_key capt_key capt_key Shows you how to capture a key press when your program is in the background.
To_Clipboard to_clipboard to_clipboard How to send strings to the clipboard
Big_To_Clipboard big_to_clipboard big_to_clipboard How to send large strings to the clipboard (Requires To_clipboard code as well)
File_attributes file attributes.txt file_attributes.5opl How to read and change a file's attributes
GetChars getchars getchars This shows how to split one string up in to a number of strings containing only one character
gPeekline gpeekline gPeekline Example of how to use gPeekline
Pen pen pen Code to enable the pen to draw on the screen.
Readtxt readtxt readtxt This reads the contents of a text file and prints it to the screen.
Registration registration registration An example of how to produce a unique registration code for a name. Useful if you write shareware software.
Send_key_press send_key_press send_key_press How to send a key press to another program
Sorted sorted sorted A method of sorting data
Sprites sprites sprites How display an mbm sprite on the screen
Sprites2 sprite2 sprite2 A longer, sprite example, which handles multiple bitmaps.
Switchon switchon switchon How to detect Machine switch on events
Switch On Date
switch_on_date switch_on_date How to switch the Epoc machine on at a certain date and time, even if the machine is off.
thread_id thread_id thread_id How to get the thread ID of a running app
uni_id uni_id uni_id How to get the machine ID, as shown on the Psion's system screen
writetxt writetxt writetxt Output data to a standard Text file, which can be read on a PC etc.

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