
Sun May 19th 2024 09:05:31: Draytek Router Configuration for Sonos

I have a few different Sonos speakers (Play:5, Play:3, Beam, Connect) connected via Ethernet or Wifi. Over the past few months I've been having lots of issues with the Ethernet Play:3's falling off the Sonos network and appearing as not connected, or “Unable to Connect to Product”. This also seemed to sometimes make the Connects and the Wifi Play:3 disappear as well. The Play:5 and the Beam seemed robust and never disappeared.

I was wondering if it might be a hardware issue (I had an issue with the PSU inside a Connect previously which seemed to be fixed by reflowing the solder joints), however it was odd that it happened to both Play:3s and not just one.

So I started fiddling with settings on my Draytek Vigor 2862 router. I've now concluded that these settings seem to work for me. I don't know if they are right, but they solved the issue!

  • UPnP: Disabled

  • IGMP Proxy: Enabled
  • IGMP Snooping: Enabled

Make sure the IGMP Proxy is using the right WAN interface. I think my key problem was that I switched from having my internet connection on WAN1 to WAN2 when I upgraded to fiber and I had not changed this setting.


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